Psychometric Assessments

Assessing for personality strengths, overplayed strengths and values

Psychometric assessments are an excellent way to increase awareness of your strengths, opportunities for development and values.

Used by 75% of Fortune 500 companies, the Hogan Assessments are a suite of tools that measure:

  • The bright side of personality - how you come across to others on a day-to-day basis;
  • The dark side - strengths that can become overplayed e.g. during times of stress or when you're not monitoring your behaviour;
  • The inside - your motivations, values and preferences.

You can take the assessments individually or altogether. After completing the questionnaire(s), you will receive a report and a one-to-one debrief on your results.

We will discuss strategies to maximise your strengths based on your natural predisposition, and address any blindspots that could derail your work performance if left unmanaged.

The Hogan Assessments are a great complement to coaching to pinpoint specific areas to focus on but can also be taken without additional coaching.

I am a certified Hogan Practitioner

Assessing for Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is described by the Harvard Business Review as a key leadership skill. It represents a set of emotional and social capabilities that influence how we perceive and express ourselves, build strong relationships, cope with challenges and use emotional information effectively.

The EQi2.0 is a well-established psychometric tool that measures EQ across five core scales:

  • Self-perception
  • Self-management
  • Interpersonal
  • Decision-making
  • Stress management

Each scale is broken down into three subscales, providing rich insights into the different aspects of EQ and the extent to which they are working together, or not.

After completing the questionnaire, you will receive a report and a one-to-one debrief on your results.

Equipped with these insights, we will develop an action plan to leverage your EQ strengths and bring lower scoring areas into balance, thereby increasing your overall EQ.

The EQi2.0 can be taken as part of a coaching package or separately.

Emotional Intelligence

Assessing for resilience and wellbeing

Wraw (Workplace Resilience and Wellbeing) is a psychometric tool that measures resilience and the impact on wellbeing at work. Based on research, it explores the psychological, physical, social and emotional factors that contribute towards resilience and wellbeing.

It is based on the 5 Pillars of Resilience model, which includes:

  • Energy - sustaining and renewing physical energy
  • Future Focus - having a sense of purpose and direction
  • Inner Drive - having self-belief and motivation
  • Flexible Thinking - being open minded and keeping things in perspective
  • Strong Relationships - building trust and accessing support

Boosting one area of resilience (through actions, thought processes or both) often positively impacts other areas.

Once you complete the questionnaire, you will receive a report and a one-to-one debrief on your results. This debrief will enable you to see where your current behaviours and thinking patterns are contributing towards your resilience and where there is scope to develop.

We then create a step-by-step action plan and you have the opportunity to take the questionnaire again in 3-6 months to measure the impact of the actions you take.

Wraw can be taken as part of a coaching package or separately.

I am a WRAW Certified Practitioner

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